[GDPR] The differences between privacy by design & privacy by default?

November 8, 2023

[GDPR] The differences between privacy by design & privacy by default?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default are two key principles that organizations are required to follow to ensure data protection and privacy. Here are the differences between Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default as defined by the GDPR:


    • Privacy by Design: Privacy by Design, as defined by the GDPR, is the concept of integrating privacy considerations into the design and development of systems, processes, products, and services. It requires organizations to consider privacy from the initial stages and throughout the entire lifecycle, ensuring that privacy is an essential component of their offerings.
    • Privacy by Default: Privacy by Default, under the GDPR, mandates that organizations must implement technical and organizational measures to ensure that, by default, only personal data necessary for each specific purpose is processed. It means that privacy settings should be automatically set to their most privacy-friendly options as the default configuration.
  1. Implementation:

    • Privacy by Design: GDPR’s Privacy by Design principle requires organizations to implement measures that promote privacy throughout their operations. This includes adopting data minimization techniques, implementing privacy-enhancing technologies, providing transparency about data processing practices, obtaining user consent, and implementing strong security measures.
    • Privacy by Default: Privacy by Default in the GDPR requires organizations to configure their systems and services in a way that provides the highest level of privacy protection by default. It means that organizations must implement measures to ensure that personal data is automatically protected and that privacy-friendly settings are applied without requiring users to take any action.

      Regulatory Focus:

    • Privacy by Design: Privacy by Design in the GDPR is focused on integrating privacy into the overall design and architecture of systems and processes. It emphasizes the need for proactive privacy measures and accountability throughout the entire data lifecycle.
    • Privacy by Default: Privacy by Default under the GDPR primarily focuses on default privacy settings. It places the responsibility on organizations to ensure that privacy-friendly settings, such as data minimization, limited data retention, and restricted data sharing, are in place as the default configuration.

      Legal Requirement:

    • Privacy by Design: The GDPR explicitly requires organizations to implement Privacy by Design as a legal obligation. It is mandated by Article 25, which states that data protection measures must be integrated into processing activities and considered from the outset.
    • Privacy by Default: Privacy by Default is closely related to Privacy by Design and is a complementary principle. It is not explicitly mentioned as a standalone requirement in the GDPR but is inherently linked to the concept of Privacy by Design. Privacy by Default is considered a best practice that supports the implementation of Privacy by Design.

In summary, Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default under the GDPR share the common goal of safeguarding individuals’ privacy rights. Privacy by Design focuses on integrating privacy into the design and development process, while Privacy by Default emphasizes configuring systems to prioritize privacy as the default state. Both principles are crucial for organizations to comply with the GDPR and ensure data protection and privacy.


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