Policy Management

Facilitate your policy establishment and management

Upgrade and complement your privacy document arrangement with our drafting and review of Data Privacy Framework, Privacy Policy, Privacy Notice, Technical and Organizational Measures Application (TOMs) and so on.

Track your policy attestation to assess the consistency with the context and subjects as well as the compliance with legal requirements. Quickly identify risks and shortcomings in your system along with an improvement plan.

Help to supplement the lack that prevents your organization from effectively ensuring privacy, whether used for individuals, business units or external entities.

Monthly, Bi-annually, or annually review your document system to promptly update for continuous and comprehensive compliance with fast-moving operations and laws.

Training and Awareness

Build your privacy-prioritized team with a profound understanding of data protection via courses designed by privacy & data governance experts

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DPO Outsourcing Service

Our outsourced Data Protection Officer (DPO) helps you with managing personal data flow – a highly specialized task that requires specialist data protection expertise

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Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)

Streamline your completion of Personal data protection impact assessment (DPIA) and overseas data transfer impact assessment (DTIA) – legal mandatory obligations for your organization

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